Internet Landing Installed Device Sensor (I-LIDS)
The West Battle Lakeshore Association, the City of Battle Lake and Otter Tail County have all gone together to fund and install two state-of-the-art electronic detection systems at both the west City of Battle Lake maintained landing (Lions Park area), and the DNR maintained east public landing. In May of 2020 our West Battle Lake Association contributed $9,200 towards the purchase and installation of these two I-LIDS devices. There are ongoing annual fees to keep these monitors maintained and up and running properly that our Lake Association will continue to donate funds to, in combination with funds from the State DNR for the operating support expenses. The WBLLA Board does this due to the vital importance of these monitoring devices in protecting our beautiful lake. These new monitors will provide 24-7, May through October AIS surveillance for West Battle Lake.
For more detailed information, please click link below:
Click HERE to View PDF Document on I-LIDS Device
The I-LIDS is a self-contained, solar powered system installed at boat ramps to reduce risk of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) through video inspection of boats and audio education of boaters. Aquatic Invasive Species such as Eurasian watermilfoil, Curlyleaf pondweed, Flowering Rush, Hydrilla and Starry Stonewort